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New Kristina Kumlin Direct video.

This is a post wether you have someone to celebrate with or not.

When I was single I used to think Valentine was a bit depressing. I used to feel sorry for myself and a bit frustrated to tell you the truth. Envious about others that they had a date and not me. Today I can see how wrong I was.

Valentine is about celebrating love. Love is free and infinite. It does not cling to anything or anyone and you can access it anytime.

I used to think that love only came in a form of a boyfriend a child or a parent and maybe if I was lucky, through a good friend.

Something outside of myself that came knocking.

Today love starts with me. I am in charge of my own love and the love I can give.

This video will help you loosen the resistance around your heart so that you can feel the love and let it blossom. After the set you will feel really fresh in your heart- space and if you have a headache this set will hopefully take care of it.

Happy love day.

I love you, Kristina


Death had been a major thing this week for me. My stepdads funeral was yesterday and our dog had to be put to sleep the day before. This sudden shock of something that is so definite. No more, ever. To never feel that love for this person or animal ever again. The fear of that unknown. Something that awaits all of us. The mystery of it, maybe the fear of it.

Things usually come and go and death is forever. This is the only thing we know for sure will happen to all of us.

In level 2 teacher training we spent a whole week talking and meditating on death. What happens in the afterlife. What do we really know. Here is a video I did right after that week. ( Swenglish)

At the wake of my stepdad, a woman came to me and she told me that it was her third funeral this week. She told me that she had a problem believing that GOD had a predetermined plan for us and that he decided over us.

Ï told her that she did not have to believe that if she didn’t want to. That she could believe in what made sense to her.

Instead of Rest in Peace that I wrote on the bouquet of flowers at the church, I would love to have written …

”On to the next adventure beyond this 3 rd dimensional world. “

It is in the 3rd dimensional world that we live in right now and where we feel pain and sorrow and powerlessness because of the restriction of our ego.

I choose to believe that death is just a shift in dimension. A roadtrip in the world of dimensions.

When you sit in sorrow as I did during the ceremoni, I felt very empty, morning a loss. No hope, just despair over the fact that I will never see this person again. I listened to the preachers voice, clinging on to the selective words of hope and encouragement about the afterlife. Something that is so hard to understand when you live in a 3 rd dimensional space.

The dead might be dead to this world but I am sure they are still living in another dimension.

A place that I do not know how to access. But they have, and that intrigues me.

They are, have, experienced something that I have yet to experience.

It is like waiting for your turn in the merry go round and the closer I get to my turn the more unbelievable it feels.

A new adventure.

This is what I said to this 80 year old woman in front of me at her third funeral this week. Her mouth was open and she looked at me as if I was a bit crazy, but still, I could see a little smile behind her eyes as she walked away.


Har Hare Hari is a very powerful mantra that brings a lot of light. I have always wanted to do this one with this particular BPM. Tomorrow I will go to my teacher and start the mixing process so that it can have a place in my next album. Stay tuned for more.

You can preview my new mantra in this latest release, Circulation workout.

This 5 minute practice will help you keep up if you feel that you don't have much time to do a proper set. This one is just a cosy 5 minutes and you will feel refreshed re-energised. A great way to start and end your day.

Have a beautiful week.

With love, Kristina

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