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Happy Solstice!

I would like to share with you a beautiful mantra meditation that will give you all the serenity you can need in these moments of joy of being with your loved ones and stress that can come with it when you get triggered.


Did you know that meditation is not about doing nothing, it is about making your mind so busy on what your senses are doing so that it stops running around like a monkey.

If you want a break during the day and you are new to meditation this is where you start. Lie down or sit up. It works both ways


The blog is under maintenance, but I thought I give you a little taste of this beautiful pranayam that I start every class with.

This is one of my favorite breaths to start my day with. It will open the blockages in your heart leaving you more energized. Feel grateful right after and hold on to that feeling.

See you soon.

With light and love, K

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